HomeTutorialsLamp Shade

Lamp Shade

Lamp Shade by Ricardo Gonzales

Ricardo Gonzales has designed this stunning papier mache lamp shade which would enhance any room.

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  • Date addedAdded: November 17, 2004
  • Document viewsViews: 76,647
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You will need:

- Wood lamp stand
- 25 watt lightbulb
- Clothes pattern
- White (pva) glue
- 24 gauge wire
- 1/4" diamond pattern wire mesh
- Scissors


Wooden lamp stand
Wooden lamp stand

The most inexpensive wood lamp stand I found is at idhandicraft.com. A switch is located on the electric line, not on the socket. You can get a fancy light bulb from any light bulb speciality store.

For a roll of wire mesh, check with Dick Blick art materials or at a local store.

Part 1: Making the flower

Cutting the mesh
Cutting the mesh

Cut 4, 10" x 10" or 12" x 12", sections from the roll of wire mesh.

Stretch diagonally across the wire mesh & push down in the middle to make a half bowl shape.

Taking shape
Taking shape

Shaping the neck
Shaping the neck

Shaping the neck
Shaping the neck

Make a shape for the neck area where it will wrap around the lamp's neck. It should be
at least 1 1/2" long.

If you wish, you may cut the mesh wire with scissors to change the shape. A side view should be varied in order to have more interesting lamp shapes.


Part 2: Pasting

Pattern paper
Pattern paper

Pattern paper
Pattern paper

Hand tear paper pattern. Use areas that have lines and letters to give a more exciting overall design.

Alternatively, you could use torn up magazines......


... or washi paper or any other paper of your choice.

Washi paper
Washi paper

Dip 'n' Paste
Dip 'n' Paste

Dip the paper pieces in glue and paste on one side of the wire mesh (A). Let it dry, then cover the other side (B).


When you paste down glued paper, use two damp cloths - one on the underside, the other one to press down the glued paper. It will help the paper to bond better and prevent glued paper from sticking to your fingers.

Using damp cloths
Using damp cloths

Decorate lamp stand
Decorate lamp stand

Decorate your lamp stand with torn up paper from magazines, coloured paints, woodstain - whichever method you like - go for it!

Part 3: Assembly

Attaching petals
Attaching petals

Attaching petals
Attaching petals

Attach the four petals to the stand in the sequence shown here.

Once the position is right, use the gauge wire to tie it down.

Gauge wire
Gauge wire

The bulb
The bulb

Screw in light bulb. Voila!

Finished example

Side view
Side view

Top view
Top view

Switched off
Switched off

Switched on
Switched on

Final words...

This tutorial was written by Ricardo Gonzales and was given to us by the kind permission of . Please visit her website at falkenart.net.