

FisHead by Louie Rochon

Louis Rochon designed and created these wonderful "FisHeads" and shows us how it is done.

  • AuthorAuthor:
  • Date addedAdded: December 15, 2005
  • Document viewsViews: 39,929
  • Document pagesPage: 1 of 4


You will need:

- Marker pen
- 1/4" foam core board
- Sharp craft knife
- Aluminium wire
- Wire cutters
- Masking tape
- Sulpt-a-mold
- Stiff card
- 2" thick polystyrene
- Paper towels
- White (pva) glue
- Gesso
- Hand dyed batik papers
- Acrylic paints/washes
- Polyurethane varnish

Creating the initial concept.

Initial Concept
Initial Concept

As you can see, this process can be as informal as sketching it out on the work table.

Laying out the fins.

Lay out the fins
Lay out the fins

Using a marker and 1/4" foam core board, I lay out the rough design.

Cut the fins.

Cut the fins
Cut the fins

Using a razor knife, I trim the fins to the shape I want.

Wire the fins.

Wire the fins
Wire the fins

Aluminum wires are inserted into all apendages to provide added support and strength, allowing me to manipulate the fins into any shape I desire.

First I use a razor knife to hollow out the edges of the fins, then aluminum wiring is inserted into the length of the fins and taped into place.