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A Frostfell Challenge (winter holidays gone gamer)

#1 2008-10-31 13:53:49

From: Wisconsin
Registered: 2006-12-25
Posts: 81

A Frostfell Challenge (winter holidays gone gamer)

So I've taken up a challenge to decorate our house this winter season in replicas of a fictional holiday that takes place in a mmorpg game world (Norrath is the game world, Frostfell is the holiday).

This link here (http://eq2.eqtraders.com/articles/artic … 0000000000)
shows the images of the ingame items available for Frostfell. Of these items I want to create the two snow people, the metal looking sconces (for fake candles, not burning real ones), the books, the lanterns, the mugs.  I think I've figured how to do everything else that's not PM-able, and how to do the books and mugs, still working on the paper lanterns.

My problem is the snow people and sconces. 
In the game the snow people come in two sizes. Tall as a human and a cute table top size. Anyone have suggestions or links to how to make a snowman that huge? 
And they will probably sit outdoors so I'm thinking a yacht varnish will be needed. Her crystal looking ice crown... I've no idea how to do.

As for the sconce, if I can make them safely to use real candles woohoo but not knowing how to do that I'll settle for fake candles.
I'm thinking using a thick wire to make the holder but that would mean a lot of pm wrapping to get the thickness shown.
I can make the faux metal bar pretty strong with stronger corrugated cardboard, but that makes very thick metal bar, so any suggestion on something I can PM that's sturdy but not as thick? Will have to do six of these buggers.

Some additional shots of the ingame use of these items (graphic intensive)
http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/post … _id=400316

Kind regards


Last edited by Seeria (2008-10-31 13:54:35)



#2 2008-10-31 15:45:39

From: Washington State, U.S.A.
Registered: 2006-01-09
Posts: 1314

Re: A Frostfell Challenge (winter holidays gone gamer)

The snow people:  Three balloon balls should make a good base.  If you could find one of those big exercise balls, and one of those large playballs like WalMart carries, and one of the small playballs (nearly everywhere, incl. dollar stores).  Make sure they're firmly inflated, then cover with PM (strip method).  If you will want to remove the balls, leave a hole around the place that you inflate them that's large enough to pull them out after you deflate them.  (Deflate them with the same needle that you inflate them with -- Just stick it in and leave them alone for a while.)

Decide how much the balls have to set inside each other so they look right.  You'll probably have to trim the holes with scissors to make them larger, to set the upper ball into the lower one.  Enlarge gradually so you don't cut away too much. Set the head ball on the middle one with it's hole down.  Hot-glue all the connections, then PM over them for extra support.

For the crystal crown, I would get a bunch of those plastic crystal tree ornaments and just hot-glue them together. Or you might have to use model airplane glue (from a hobby shop, NOT a craft shop), depending on the plastic.  Plastics can be tricky to glue.

OR measure how long the crown would be if flat, gather up a bunch of plastic crystals and lay them face-down on waxed paper so they form a strip as long as you need, and then drizzle hot glue all over the crystals to hold them together.  The glue itself would be the crown, with the crystals embedded.

I would make the sconces of two layers of corrugated cardboard,  but cut each layer opposite to the other in the way the corrugation of the cardboard runs. Cardboard bends quite easily with the corrugations, but not against it, so use that to increase the strength.  Then wrap with PM strips. If you use single-ply cardboard, they shouldn't be too thick.

For those glowing candles, I noticed that some of the dollar stores have those little battery flickering lights ($3 at Michael's), not much larger than tea lights. Just roll up some translucent paper and tape the back (double-stick tape), sized to fit one of those candles or larger. (Note:  I don't know how long those lights last, battery-wise.)

Have fun!




#3 2008-11-04 13:17:31

From: Wisconsin
Registered: 2006-12-25
Posts: 81

Re: A Frostfell Challenge (winter holidays gone gamer)

Wonderful! Thank you for the ideas. Family is rather excited so we went shopping to find the mentioned items. Although, son found an old blow up beach ball in the garage, it's four feet diam. He thinks that should be the base of one of our snowpeople. o.O



#4 2008-11-04 17:56:26

From: Washington State, U.S.A.
Registered: 2006-01-09
Posts: 1314

Re: A Frostfell Challenge (winter holidays gone gamer)

For something that large, you'll probably need more layers of paper.

I would advise you to stack the three balls (of whatever sizes) to make sure they look right with each other.  If you use a great big one on the bottom, the ones available to you for the top two may look disproportionate.  (Of course, you could name him Old LeadBottom!)

Good luck on your project!



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